Whoa, I'd have to say this is the most balanced film I have ever seen. Balanced in a way that it's not good, nor crap. It's just a film. And although it's extremely fun to watch, the creators should have been open to some suggestions.
They managed to fully bypass any Roman codes and bigger people of that time. They devoted their attention to one tiny piece of the puzzle and made a film about it. In a way, that's good, because it gets you focused on the story at hand. However, I wouldn't mind the bigger picture either. So, basically, it's an action flick set in Rome with just a slight touch of adventure.
The cast is actually, quite frankly, good. When I first heard about the film, I disliked the cast immediately. But, Channing Tatum really pulled it brilliantly. He got all dirty and threw an accent in the mix. He was awesome and I can gladly say that I see even more roles thrown at his way. Also, he was perfectly paired with Jamie Bell who's already British, so he was cool from the start.
To conclude, the film is kinda historically accurate, but doesn't try to incorporate that aspect too much. Mostly, it's loads of adventurous fun with a lot of action, all accompanied by the savagery that the Roman times provide. Good stuff.
7 out of 10.