And this, ladies and gentlemen, is a comedy. And a funny one at that. The whole premise reminds one of The Devil Wears Prada: an apprentice vs. the mean boss. Here, we have Rachel's character who is desperately trying to win back the viewership of a morning show, reluctantly hosted by Harrison (and Diane Keaton although her role is a minor one).
The first thing you are bound to notice is: wholly crap, Harrison is old! When did that happen?! After which it is blutantly clear that he stole this movie completely. Everything evolves around him, his lines are the best, his grumpy-old-man routine has to rock everybody's boat - even if you're not a fan of his. He simply shines here.
Everything else, so and so. It's not a glorious movie (as the title might suggest) but it is fun to watch on a Sunday afternoon.
6 out of 10.