So, unsurprisingly, right after Maggie comes Edgar. And this time, the film is done much better, as the mighty Clint Eastwood was at the helm.
As most of you know, or really should, J. Edgar Hoover was the founder and first director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or commonly known as the FBI. He was an extremely maticulous control freak who had access to some very sensitive information giving him unrivaled power in the halls of the US aministration. Thus, he held the position of director for fucking 37 years. Also, he was an undeveloped homosexual. The thing wrote itself, really.
However, Mr. Eastwood gave it quite a few spins and created an amazing biopic. He wisely chose Leonardo DiCaprio as the lead role, and to our not such a big surprise, Leo fucking owned. The reason why he still hasn't won a single fucking (and I really can't stress the word "fucking" enough) Oscar escapes me. Also, just to be fair, Naomi Watts did an excellent job as well.
Everything's been said there, actually. All that's left is to rate it and if there ever was u pure seven - this would be it.