The fact that Helen Mirren and Sam Worthington were in it and that the plot was supposed to span some 30 years sounded like a good idea. And it, generally, is. The movie starts off well, the elements of drama and thriller are nicely executed.....but then you get into the middle of it and it's just a big nothing - where's the action, where's the building up of the plot? The movie cruises around in its boredom and when it turns towards the ending and you, again, seem to be interested in it.......it gives you the most far-fetched, the most unrealistic last 20 minutes of any I've seen in a while.
The accents, that are supposed to be Israeli, are hard to place and could be Polish, for all that I know. Worthington's by far the worst and Mirren is as good as ever even though there's not much in this for her. What we all learn from The Debt is that, apparently, not every female's first choice when faced with a facial scarring is to go to the plastic surgeon, that it is a piece of cake to kidnap a German ex-Nazi living, still, in Germany and that lying about killing somebody is so damn easy since nobody is going to check it. Also, Ukranian journalists are the real professionals.
Yeah, well, 6 out of 10.