Alas, no thrills here. The movie actually starts off well and about 20 minutes into it there's an unexpected, welcome twist that promises a lot and that, naturally, completely and utterly fails. The potential was there, the script wasn't and the whole outcome was not only disappointingly bad but one that left the feeling of watching something that does not parr well with what I know of Craig, Weisz and even Watts' movie careers.
I cannot go into the plot here - even though there's not much of it - without giving away that twist I was talking about. But, it is safe to say that you guys will probably not be seeing this having in mind that Craig is, at the moment, widely praised for his role in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo so we should all just re-route ourselves that way and leave this Dream House where it is: not worth dowloading.
5 out of 10.