And I dislike Tom Cruise with a vengeance (that ego and scientology thing). Unfortunatelly, since MI4 resurrected his career we are looking at some major Cruise exposure through Top Gun 2 and, probably, that Les Grossmann character from Tropic Thunder (fingers crossed that Lovecraft's At the Mountain of Madness will not feature Tommy).
So, blockbaster action/thriller, should you choose to accept this mission, brought nothing new to it - same old that, apparently, had a good timing. I can't explain the blockbuster potential of this movie, except to say that Russian-American relations are still a focal point of this plot (again) and that there is a new Swedish villain that seemed like a welcome change that was, very rapidly, completely ruined by the vintage American scriptwriting where bad Serbians kill some Croatians.....Stereotypical.
Simon Pegg should not be in this movie and Jeremy Renner is good in a supporting role yet I can't see him pulling a lead (as intented by a future Bourne movie).
7 out of 10.