Jan 28, 2011

Love and Other Drugs - drugs, please.

I've been persistently avoiding watching this one for various reasons only to end up clicking the play button out of pure boredom. Was that a mistake! There are two types of movie trailers that I have a problem with: those that give out too much and those that sell the film on false pretences. This one goes into the second group.

Here you have two people who, according to Hollywood propaganda, do not want to be in a relationship yet end up being in one, having wild sex along the way and choosing to embrace the essence of humanity (which is, I guess, love) as opposed to just doing it like rabbits. Which is completely fine and follows all the guidelines of a chick flick.

For full 30 minutes.

Then, all of a sudden, what do you know! It's a drama. Bam! Then, it's a comedy. Bam! No, wait, it's porn! Bam, bam, bam! Then it's about Parkinson's disease. Bam! Pharmaceutical industry. Bam! Drop-out medical students. Bam! Salespersons, starving artists, her being insecure and sick, him being on the road to incredible financial success. Bam, bam! In a nutshell, it's all over the place.

Still, you get to see Jake Gyllenhall's naked butt and Anne Hathaway's naked breasts so just rewind to that and spare yourself the rest. Because, my friend, even though I don't know what genre this belongs to, one thing I do know: it's pure bullshit.

And I give it a 4.