Here's what you need to know:
I swar to god, this movie was like a product placement commercial, with her boobs harasisng you whenever possible. It was just crazy how, without any provocation or relevancy to the plotline, the boobs were always front and centre. Sure, if you're a guy, you're not going to see anything wrong in it, and I don't mind, in most cases, but this was verging on absurd and greatly reducing the overall quality of this movie.
Not that there's much quality to start with. As I've said in my earlier review, Sam Worthington can't pick a movie if his erection depended on it. And the newfound ever-presence of Elizabeth Banks (who I liked on 30 Rock but disliked in almost everything else) almost makes a certain balance in favour of mediocrity rather than shittiness. And just when you think it's a decent movie, you get the ending that - always and regularly - shits on the whole thing.
Oh, and the plot is way too predictable, there's no wow, I never expected this! here and the only surprise you're going to get is seeing Ed Harris looking really old.
6 out of 10.