Well, this one was family+drama. And guess what, it sucked at it in all the right areas: actors, plot, dialogues, that indie feeling that the Weinstein company was going for, low-yet not low-budget....you name it.
You get unattractive Rudd to play an idiot (but not on the Dumb and Dumber level) and his three annoying sisters are all pretty unlikable in their own right: Banks being a bitch, Mortimer being primly and Deschanel being fat (well, almost). While at the subject of Zooey, all that yawn quality of her acting isn't as irritating as it is Monroe-ish in its talentless insistance to be smacked in our faces all too frequently, of late.
Surprisingly enough, it has 6.8 on IMDb. In my books, it's a 5. And not one gooddamn laugh out of it.