So, I had a grin on my face even before I started watching it. When the laughs did not come, I still had it, desperate to make myself find something, anything, to validate its presence. And, you guessed it, the grin was getting smaller.
Don't get me wrong, this is not a bad movie. It's quite entertaining (especially the parts concerning Isla Fisher and her charms). You can't help watching Andy Serkis and not repeat "precious, my precious" in your head over and over again, nor can you not appreciate Tim Curry's talents and Christopher Lee's cameo. They are all excellent actors - no doubt about it. Pegg as well, but still....it feels like a TV movie rather than a movie theatre experience and the fact that it had such a high potential that was absolutely not seen through just makes me plain sad. And somewhat disappointed. Maybe even depressed.
Anyhow, I'd say 6 out of 10. (Chip in, Deathstroke :))