As I knew they wouldn't, the creators of Hot Fuzz did not disappoint. However, what I did notice is that this creation of theirs lacks that all-important intelligent aspect that separated them from the others. But, then I thought - it is made for the American market and mostly teenage moviegoers. So, in the end, it all added up.
Now, the film itself has a story that is great. And beside the hilarity of it, it also contains a lot of funny side-moments. We all know those... They don't carry the story, but are in there nevertheless, and they're also funny as shit.
The characters are equally awesome, superbly portrayed by the duo fantastico themselves: Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Seth Rogen, also known as Mr. Debacle, is also a part of this film. However, the goddess Fortuna granted us with her presence, so we just had to listen to his voice, rather than looking at him as well. Oh, and it's always a humongous pleasure to see Ripley.
Well, it's an excellent comedy release which succeeds in providing the laughter. They could've used some of that memorability juice, though. Just to make it worthy of an extra watch.
7 out of 10.